First Assembly Christian School is hiring experienced and credentialed

•Preschool Teachers

•K-12th Grade Support Staff

We offer preschool care for infants 8 weeks – 4yrs and wrap around care for school age children in our preschool.

First Assembly Christian School offer classes from Kindergarten – 12th Grade.

Great benefits offered for full & part time employees, including health, dental and eye insurance.

Sick days, vacation days & personal days. Child care discounts offered as well.

Please come by and fill out an application for more information.

Welcome to First Assembly Christian School

First Assembly Christian School is an accredited Christian educational program offering sound academic training founded in God’s Word. We believe the home, school, and church should complement each other to promote the proper development of each student.

Whether you are looking for infant care, preschool, and VPK in Ocala, FL, or you want a great elementary, middle school or high school in Marion County, the goal of our qualified and experienced faculty is to help your child grow academically, emotionally, and physically. Learn more about the admissions process.

“They shall mount up with wings as eagles”
Isaiah 40:31

FACS Values

Achievement – Striving to always improve oneself. Taking risks and growing personally, spiritually and academically.

Integrity – Using God’s Word as a guide, to live a life of honesty and good character, making wise choices.

Grace – Recognizing that God’s grace is extended to all of his Creation and showing that grace and mercy to everyone.

Faith – Trusting Christ as Savior and living in obedience to Him

Community – Living life together and seeking the best good not just for oneself but for people nearby and around the world.


First Assembly Christian School’s vision is to develop students (and eventually adults) who achieve to the best of their ability, and who live lives of Integrity, Grace and Faith as they contribute to their community.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of First Assembly Christian School to create a Christian community where students are encouraged to grow to their full potential in order to fulfill their God-given purpose.

    FACS NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT a ministry of First Assembly of God, Inc., of Ocala, FL

    ENGLISH-First Assembly Christian School, a ministry of First Assembly of God, Inc., of Ocala, FL, shall not discriminate against membership, students, or others on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin; however, as a religious institution it reserves the right to deny or terminate employment or to deny or terminate any other status of persons whose lifestyle, words, actions or otherwise do not align with the church’s statement of faith, standard of conduct or other policies of the church.  This policy statement is not intended to waive the ministerial exception or exemption to federal, state, or local anti discrimination laws or regulations.


    In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

    Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

    To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at Program Discrimination Complaint Form English [ pdf 409.6 kB ] , Program Discrimination Complaint Form Spanish [ pdf 389.3 kB ] and, Program Discrimination Complaint Form Haitian Creol [ pdf 185.2 kB ] e , from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by: Mail:       Fax: (833)256-1665; or (202)690-7442; or Email: Program.Intake@usda.gov
    U.S. Department of Agriculture        
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights      
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW      
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or


    De acuerdo con la ley federal de derechos civiles y las regulaciones y políticas de derechos civiles del Departamento de Agricultura de los EE. UU. (USDA), esta institución tiene prohibido discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad, edad o represalias por actos anteriores. Actividad de derechos civiles.

    La información del programa puede estar disponible en otros idiomas además del inglés. Las personas con discapacidades que requieran medios de comunicación alternativos para obtener información del programa (por ejemplo, Braille, letra grande, cintas de audio, lenguaje de señas americano), deben comunicarse con la agencia estatal o local responsable que administra el programa o con el Centro TARGET del USDA al (202) 720- 2600 (voz y TTY) o comuníquese con el USDA a través del Servicio Federal de Retransmisión al (800) 877-8339.

    Para presentar una queja por discriminación en el programa, el demandante debe completar un formulario AD-3027, Formulario de queja por discriminación en el programa del USDA, que se puede obtener en línea en Formulario de queja por discriminación del programa Inglés [ pdf 409,6 kB ] , Programa Formulario de Queja por Discriminación Español [ pdf 389,3 kB ] y, Programa Formulario de denuncia por discriminación Creol haitiano [ pdf 185.2 kB ] e , desde cualquier oficina del USDA, llamando al (866) 632-9992, o escribiendo una carta dirigida al USDA. La carta debe contener el nombre, la dirección, el número de teléfono del denunciante y una descripción escrita de la supuesta acción discriminatoria con suficiente detalle para informar al Subsecretario de Derechos Civiles (ASCR) sobre la naturaleza y la fecha de una supuesta violación de los derechos civiles. El formulario o carta AD-3027 completo debe enviarse al USDA por:

    Correo:       Fax: (833)256-1665; o (202)690-7442; o
    Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU.        
    Oficina del Subsecretario de Derechos Civiles       Correo electrónico: Program.Intake@usda.gov
    1400 Avenida Independencia, SW      
    Washington, DC 20250-9410; o


    Dapre lwa federal dwa sivil yo ak règleman ak règleman sou dwa sivil Depatman Agrikilti Etazini (USDA), enstitisyon sa a entèdi pou fè diskriminasyon sou baz ras, koulè, orijin nasyonal, sèks, andikap, laj, oswa reprezay oswa revanj pou anvan. aktivite dwa sivil.

    Enfòmasyon sou pwogram yo ka disponib nan lòt lang ki pa Angle. Moun ki gen andikap ki bezwen lòt mwayen kominikasyon pou jwenn enfòmasyon sou pwogram nan (pa egzanp, Bray, gwo lèt, kasèt odyo, Lang siy Ameriken), ta dwe kontakte ajans leta oswa lokal ki responsab ki administre pwogram nan oswa USDA a TARGET Center nan (202) 720-. 2600 (vwa ak TTY) oswa kontakte USDA atravè Sèvis Federal Relay nan (800) 877-8339.

    Pou depoze yon plent pou diskriminasyon nan pwogram, yon moun ki plenyen dwe ranpli yon Fòm AD-3027, Fòmilè pou plent pou diskriminasyon nan pwogram USDA yo ka jwenn sou Entènèt nan Fòm Plent Diskriminasyon Pwogram Angle [ pdf 409.6 kB], Fòm Plent Diskriminasyon Pwogram Panyòl [ pdf 389.3 kB ] epi, Fòm Plent Diskriminasyon Pwogram Kreyòl Ayisyen [ pdf 185.2 kB ] e , nan nenpòt biwo USDA, lè w rele (866) 632-9992, oswa lè w ekri yon lèt ki adrese USDA. Lèt la dwe genyen non moun ki pote plent lan, adrès, nimewo telefòn, ak yon deskripsyon alekri sou swadizan aksyon diskriminatwa a ak ase detay pou enfòme Asistan Sekretè Dwa Sivil la (ASCR) sou nati ak dat yon swadizan vyolasyon dwa sivil la. Fòm oswa lèt AD-3027 ranpli a dwe soumèt bay USDA pa:

    Mail:       Faks: (833)256-1665; oswa (202)690-7442; oswa
    Depatman Agrikilti Etazini        
    Biwo Asistan Sekretè Dwa Sivil la       Imèl: Program.Intake@usda.gov
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW      
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; oswa